Yes, this is allowed. During the CBT exam request process, the Office of State Assessment collects Scoring Directors if one is not already available for a scoring consortia in the NYSED online examination request system. The Department only collects one Scoring Director per Lead Scoring Entity for ELA and math. There can be a different scoring director for ELA and math. There can also be additional scoring directors in the NWEA ScorePoint system, which is the system for scoring constructed responses entered by students on the Nextera Test Delivery System.
If your scoring consortia would like more than one Scoring Director, please send an email to CBT Support with the subject line "Add Scoring Director" and include the following details:
- Lead Scoring Entity Name
- Lead Scoring Entity BEDS Code
- Existing Scoring Director Name/Email
- Additional Scoring Director(s) to add with Name/Email/School Affiliation
As part of their primary functions, the Scoring Director has access to all reports and can create logins for ScorePoint.
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