Students Testing on Paper
Paper-based tests may be administered to students in a CBT grade level that have an IEP or 504 Plan that indicates the student should test on paper. Additionally, eligible English Language Learners (ELLs) or former ELLs who require an alternate language edition of the Grades 3-8 Math or Grades 5 and 8 Science Tests may also test on paper.
The decision to test ELLs and former ELLs with CBT or on paper is a local decision based on the needs of the student. Schools should use the practice tests to help them make this determination. Schools need to know which format is best for their students before testing starts to avoid situations where their students want to switch formats between sessions or within a session.
For any student requiring an accommodation of testing on paper, please remember to:
- Set the Not Tested Code in Nextera Admin of Testing on Paper.
- Make sure proctors are aware and have the needed paper-based materials for these students (as opposed to the login credentials).
- Please do not have students switch between PBT and CBT format between Sessions 1 and 2.
- If a student with the accommodation of testing on paper needs to respond to the constructed response questions on paper, they should take the whole test on paper.
- Any student records that have PBT for one session and CBT for the other will need to be addressed during summer cleanup.