Yes, as long as the first student's computer-based test has been submitted or paused, a second student can use that same testing device for operational CBT. Submitting and pausing the test saves the student's answers to NWEA.
However, if the first student encounters a loss of internet connection and is not able to submit or pause the test, then the student testing device should be set aside (sequestered) until the internet connection is re-established and the student's test can be submitted or paused, which will save the student's answers to NWEA.
Many of our districts and schools are able to participate in operational CBT by testing multiple students on a single testing device in a subsequent test session(s). Please note that a student who is testing and has not completed their test session should never be asked to move from a testing device because another student in a following test session needs that computer.
A best practice we have heard from our operational districts and schools is that schools try to have some extra testing devices on-hand during operational CBT.
This scenario also applies to field testing on computers.