Student Learning Profiles will be available via the Information Reporting Services Portal (IRSP) for public schools, charters and some non-public schools. IRSP is located under Applications once you log-in to the SED Business Portal. Non-public schools that do not have access to the IRSP will get reports via snail mail. School district, charter school, and non-public school administrators will be notified when the reports are available (this is whoever is listed in SEDREF as getting reports). Reports are distributed to the entity where the student took the NYSAA.
Score reports are available to the student’s public school (CSE school) through the L2RPT Reporting System
What is the L2RPT Reporting System?
L2RPT reflect statewide (Level 2) data in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS), which are made available through distributed applications at the regional (Level 1) Data Centers, and are aggregated to the region at which they are hosted.
What is in the L2RPT Reports?
L2RPT reports are designed to help districts verify a variety of demographic, enrollment, program, assessment and graduation data in support of accountability and other requirements
What if I do not get the L2RPT Reports for my student’s NYSAA scores?
Contact your Level 1 Regional Information Center (RIC) or Big 5 City District data center to access these reports. Districts with CSE responsibility will receive score reports for out-of-district placements.