This article provides guidance for administering computer-based tests (CBT) using the Nextera™ Administration System, commonly called “Nextera™ Admin,” including the login process, navigation, and
management of class and student data. In New York State, students are loaded into Nextera™ Admin
from the Level 2 Data Warehouse in preparation for CBT administration. Students are loaded by grade level enrollment. Please check the monthly events calendar for specific dates.
Schools are responsible for ensuring that all students are available in Nextera™ Admin
for CBT and that all needed student-testing accommodations are set for students. For those districts and schools participating in operational CBT ELA, Math, and Science or field testing on computers for the upcoming test administration, they will have users who can access Nextera Admin for test administration (class/student setup and test administration on testing days).
Only users who are associated to their school or district as test coordinators, principals, superintendents within SEDREF or teachers have been automatically loaded to Nextera Admin.
The options to download the NWEA Secure Browser by device and operating system are available in Nextera Admin from the Help tab under "Downloads."
Information on all CBT administrative activities for Nextera™ Admin can be found in Appendix Y of the School Administrator's Manual.
Below you will find additional useful resources.
Related Articles:
- Nextera Admin Training Video
- Nextera Admin Roles & Responsibilities
- How do I change the District Test Coordinator (DTC) for my district?
- Nextera Setup & Installation Guide
- How do we access ELA practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- How do we access Math practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- How do we access Science practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- NWEA Secure Browser Practice Test Logins