No, students can use multiple computer devices for CBT test sessions, but it is recommended that students try to use the same testing device per test session. Additionally, students should always try to document the name of the computer device they are using, such as by writing down the name of the device on the back of the student's login ticket.
The student should log out (i.e., submit the test answers or pause the test to log out) before logging into a different computer.
Logging into a paused-student-test-session on a different computer will return the student to the point within the test where the student paused the test. Note that a Proctor PIN is necessary to log a student back into a paused test session.
Multiple students can use the same device during a testing day as long as a student is individually logging in and out (i.e., submitting the test answers or pausing the test to log out) of a test session before a different student uses the same device for a new test session.
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