How do we access Math practice tests in the Secure Browser?

Questar Secure Browser

To access the Secure Browser practice tests, student testing devices must have the Questar Secure Browser installed and tested before the student can access the practice test. The passwords remain the same ("practice"). The new username format for this year is the following (note the addition of the letter “g” in the username): 

subject + g + grade number + code for accommodation (if needed) 

Example: mathg03 / practice

See below for additional examples.

You can locate browser and Operating System specific downloads on the “Downloads” page under the Help tab from the banner toolbar in Nextera Admin.

The answer keys to the Math practice tests can be found in Resources on CBT Support, visit the Practice Test Answer Keys article

The complete list, which includes logins for the practice tests with accommodations are available in Nextera Admin and on CBT Support (PDFs can be downloaded below). The usernames and passwords are not case-sensitive. 

Math Grade Level



Grade 3



Grade 4



Grade 5



Grade 6



Grade 7



Grade 8




Upon logging into the NWEA Secure Browser, the student will see options to select from four available practice tests for the grade level.  Student answers are not collected or saved from the Secure Browser Practice tests.

 The Secure Browser practice tests allow students to experience computer-based testing in the same environment they will use for operational CBT this spring. All students should be familiar with the Questar Secure Browser online tools and navigation before sitting for the operational computer-based tests this spring.

You can find the Secure Browser practice test logins for ELA and science on CBT Support


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