Getting Started Tips: I am new to CBT, where do I begin?

We want to welcome all CBT schools to computer-based testing administration. In order to make sure all our schools are comfortable and confident in organizing a successful CBT administration in the spring, we've created the below list of administration steps, articles, and resources on CBT Support that can help your school to prepare for and administer computer-based tests.

How to Get Started in the Nextera Administration System

  1. Consult Appendix Y in the School Administrator's Manual (SAM) for guidance on how to navigate Nextera Admin. (For CBT Field Testing, consult Appendix L in the SAM for Computer-Based Field Testing.)
  2. Create accounts for additional users in the school who will help you to administer CBT.
  3. Set your students' testing accommodations.
  4. Consider if you want to organize your students for testing into groups/classes or keep them all in one container. 
    • Consider if you want to place any students who are not taking the CBT exams into a "Not Tested" class container (so you can focus only on the students who are testing in Nextera Admin). 
  5. Make sure you are using the Chrome browser, and then navigate to the TESTS>Tests page to print student login tickets for your classes. 
  6. Locate your Proctor PIN at the very bottom left (keep scrolling!) of the Nextera Admin homepage.
  7. Locate the access codes on the Tests page which will be required to test on computer.
  8. Assemble your testing classes' secure testing materials to distribute to proctors on the morning of testing. 

Your school technology coordinator must prepare student testing devices by downloading and installing the NWEA Secure Browser, found  on the Help tab in Nextera Admin. All students will test on computer by accessing the Nextera Test Delivery System, which launches as an application within the Questar Secure Browser. 

Nextera Admin Information

Technology Tips

Students Should Use the Practice Tests

  • The Question Sampler is a practice environment that closely resembles the Nextera Test Delivery system. For the best results using the Question Sampler, please use the Google Chrome Browser.
  • For the best simulated practice of the Nextera testing platform, use the Nextera Secure Browser practice tests.
    • Practice tests are available for ELA, Math, and Science.
    • Practice tests are available for all CBT testing accommodations.

Communication: Stay Informed about CBT!


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