CBT: Frequently Asked Questions
This section includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding computer-based testing.
- ★ How do I contact my Regional Information Center (RIC) or Big 5 District Testing Department?
- ★ Where can I find the Answer Keys for the CBT Practice Tests?
- ★ Where do we locate the Proctor PIN for CBT?
- ★ What are the CBT options for my students that make use of the Test Read testing accommodations?
- ★ What if my student submits CBT test answers as a mistake? Can we unlock the submitted test?
- How do I update the District Test Coordinator in Nextera Admin?
- How do I move a student from one class to another class within my school?
- How can students play specific words or sections of a passage or question with Text-to-Speech?
- How do we access Science practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- What can students bring from home for use when taking the computer-based tests (CBT)?
- How can I test my school's internet network for supporting the operational CBT administration?
- Why can't I see my field testing students in Nextera Admin?
- How do I reset my password for my Nextera Admin account?
- Can more than one student use the same testing device during operational CBT?
- Why can't I see the "Login Tickets" button on the Class "Tests" page in Nextera Admin?
- Does the Nextera Test Delivery System include Spell Checking software?
- Do we have to take down posters of the Equation Editor buttons during operational CBT?
- Why don't I see the teacher account I just created on Nextera Admin in the Classes list?
- Why aren't my students available in Nextera Admin according to their instructional classes?
- Can my students use speech-to-text software to test on computer?
- Can my students use a stylus with devices that have touchscreens for CBT?
- How does the testing accommodation "use of a scribe" work for computer-based tests?
- What Scoring Vendors work with NYS schools to score tests?
- How do students "Show their work" for Long Division using the Equation Editor?
- How do we access Math practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- If a school is administering CBT and giving the tests on the first two days of the CBT test window, does the school have to wait until the makeup period to administer makeup CBT sessions?
- What Test Materials should be in the testing room for CBT administration?
- Can students use scratch paper when taking the CBT exams?
- How do we access ELA practice tests in the NWEA Secure Browser?
- How can my school order the Test Read accommodation in CBT for my grade?